11th Annual Iranian Congress of Medical Ethics and 8th Nursing Ethics Congress

11th Annual Iranian Congress of Medical Ethics and 8th Nursing Ethics Congress 

 Registration opens: November 10, 2024
 Deadline for submission of documents: December 1, 2024
 Congress begins: January 14, 2025
 Congress concludes: January 16, 2025

Congress Venue: Tehran, Iran - Shahid Hemmat Highway - Near Milad Tower - Iran University
of Medical Sciences - Razi Conference Center
Medical Ethics Secretariat: Tehran, Iran - Keshavarz Boulevard - 16 Azar Street, No. 23 -
Center for Research in Medical Ethics and History
Nursing Ethics Secretariat: Tehran, Iran - Sanat Square - Farhzadi Boulevard - Eastern Ivanak
Street - Ministry of Health, Treatment, and Medical Education - Nursing Deputy

Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Enthusiasts of Healthcare Ethics
It is with great honor that we announce the 11th Iranian Congress of Medical Ethics and the 8th
Nursing Ethics Congress. This significant scientific and ethical event offers an exceptional
opportunity for researchers, specialists, policymakers, and all healthcare stakeholders to engage
in scholarly and ethical discussions on the latest research findings, emerging challenges, and
strategies for enhancing ethical practices in healthcare.
As we know, medical and nursing ethics form the backbone of any healthcare system, playing an
indispensable role in improving the quality of healthcare services, preserving human dignity, and
fostering sustainable healthcare development. In today's complex and rapidly evolving world,
with remarkable advancements in biotechnology and medical technology, ethical issues in
healthcare have become increasingly challenging. Therefore, this congress, aimed at promoting
ethical principles, enhancing knowledge and expertise, and fostering collaborative efforts to
develop practical solutions for improving ethical standards in healthcare, is of paramount

A wide range of topics related to healthcare ethics will be discussed at this congress, including:
  Ethics in medical and nursing education
  Ethics in health research
  Ethics in public health and health policy
  Ethics in healthcare delivery and patient rights
  Ethics in emerging medical technologies (such as artificial intelligence, genetic
engineering, etc.)
  Ethics in crisis situations (such as disasters, wars, and pandemics)

Given the growing importance of ethical issues in healthcare, participation in this congress is
highly recommended for all individuals involved in this field, especially physicians, nurses,
researchers, students, and policymakers.
We hope that this congress will make a significant contribution to enhancing ethical standards in
healthcare in our country and fostering deeper scientific and ethical dialogue in this field.
Dr. Bagher Larijani
Chairman of the 11th Annual Iranian Congress of Medical Ethics and the 8th Nursing Ethics Congress

Themes of the 11th Annual Iranian Congress of Medical Ethics and the 8th Nursing Ethics Congress Ethical Considerations in Education:
  Ethics in education
  Education of ethics
  Professional commitment
Ethical Considerations in Health Research
Ethical Considerations in Public Health:
  Crises (war, disasters, pandemics, etc.)
  Health service reimbursement system
  Health policy
  Communication and media
  Public health
Ethical Considerations in Health Service Delivery:
  Rights and responsibilities of healthcare providers
  Rights of healthcare recipients
  Issues of the beginning and end of life
  Health humanities
  Home care
  Family medicine
Ethical Considerations in Health Technologies:
  Emerging issues in healthcare (stem cells, genetics, neuroscience, etc.)
  Artificial intelligence

Guidelines for Submitting Abstract
Please carefully review the following guidelines before submitting your abstract:

Abstract Submission: Only abstracts presenting original research findings will be accepted.
Review articles and case reports will only be accepted from experts in the field.

Language: The abstract must be submitted in both Persian and English.

Persian Abstract: The Persian abstract should include the title, authors' names, abstract text (in
a structured format), and keywords.

English Abstract: The English abstract should include the title, authors' names, abstract text (in a
structured format), and keywords.

Abstract Structure: Both the Persian and English abstracts should follow the following structure:
Background, Materials and Methods, Findings, Conclusion, and Keywords.

Keywords: Please provide 3-5 keywords.

Word Count: The Persian and English abstracts should not exceed 400 words.

Topic Selection: Please select a topic from the predefined list of topics. If your topic does not fit
into any of the listed categories, please select "Other".

Presenting Author: The presenting author's name should be listed first among the authors.

Institutional Affiliation: Please provide the full institutional affiliation of all authors.

File Format: The submitted file must be in Word format.
Important Note: After submitting your abstract, changes to the authors' names, presenting
author, institutional affiliations, etc., cannot be made. The organizing committee will not be
responsible for any requests for changes.
Please note that you must first create a user account in the abstract submission section.

Message from the Scientific Secretaries
The 11th Annual Iranian Congress of Medical Ethics and the 8th Nursing Ethics Congress
are being combined and presented as a unified event under the theme of "Ethics in Healthcare."
This congress is dedicated to faculty, students, physicians, nurses, healthcare professionals, and
all those interested in the field. The rapid pace of global change and advancements in science and
technology have underscored the growing need for ethical considerations in healthcare. At a time
when healthcare systems worldwide, including our own, are undergoing profound
transformations and challenges, the Ethics in Healthcare Congress provides a valuable
opportunity to re-examine and reinforce the ethical principles that guide our practices."
Ethics in Healthcare reflects the increasing need to strengthen the ethical foundations within
healthcare systems. It is through these foundations that we can achieve sustainable and universal
access to healthcare. In this context, three key themes have been selected for this congress:
family medicine and primary care, issues related to electronic health and artificial intelligence,
and ethics in crises. Each of these themes, individually and collectively, presents unique
challenges and opportunities for us to re-evaluate our ethical concepts and frameworks
Family medicine and primary care, as the cornerstone of healthcare systems, represent the initial
and most significant human interactions between healthcare providers and recipients. These
interactions are founded on trust, human dignity, and equity. Home care introduces unique
ethical considerations. Establishing professional and trust-based relationships ensures the
physical and mental well-being of patients within a humane and ethical framework. In this
context, principles such as equitable access to services, privacy protection, and attention to the
specific needs of patients are fundamental and should be at the heart of healthcare decision-
making and policy.
Moreover, artificial intelligence has emerged as a driving force for transformation in the fields of
health and medicine. While this technology offers new horizons for improving medical and
nursing services, it also raises specific concerns. In the realm of electronic health, issues such as
preserving medical data privacy, addressing disparities in access to and use of technology, and
ensuring accountability for errors arising from the use of AI algorithms can pose ethical
challenges that require thoughtful examination and the development of practical solutions by
ethics experts.
Finally, ethics in crises, particularly in today's world marked by global and regional health crises
such as pandemics, natural disasters, and conflicts, has become undeniably crucial. Addressing
ethics in crises and disasters necessitates a comprehensive analysis to identify solutions that
uphold ethical principles such as equitable resource allocation, protection of vulnerable
populations, and preservation of human dignity.

The joint congress of medical ethics and nursing ethics, under the umbrella of healthcare ethics,
conveys the message that healthcare services are delivered through collaborative teamwork by all
providers. The most crucial component of this team is the people we serve, for whom all
programs, resources, medical equipment, and personnel are dedicated. Ethics teaches us that
preserving human dignity and satisfying our valued patients requires more than just specialized
knowledge. It demands ethical understanding, professional commitment, and adherence to
ethical principles. This congress strives to reinforce the truth that all specialized services truly
realize their value when adorned with the gem of ethics.
We hope that this year's joint congress, building on the success of previous ones, will serve as a
platform for intellectual exchange, synergy, and leveraging the expertise of domestic and
international specialists. Our goal is to develop sustainable and innovative solutions in the field
of medical and nursing ethics. This annual scientific event reminds us all of our responsibility to
strive towards a just, ethical, and humane healthcare system.

Dr. Fariba Borhani
Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Shahid Beheshti Medical University                                    

Dr. Mahshad Norouzi
Assist Professor of Medical Ethics
Iran University of Medical Sciences

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